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Simply put, a microdermabrasion facial is a new skincare treatment that works by gently removing the topmost layers of dead skin cells from the face, neck, and chest. 

Basically, a microdermabrasion system works by combining coarse microscopic particles and constant vacuum pressure to safely exfoliate the top layers of the epidermis. You can look for the trusted Facial Salon in Frisco, Texas who will provide you the better results in microdermabrasion facial treatment.

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Professional microdermabrasion (often just called Microderm) is an expensive cosmetic procedure that is extremely popular with trendy medical spas and skincare specialists around the world. These facials are offered as an expensive in-office treatment that is done by a trained skin-care professional.

Luckily, new scientific advancements allow for new home microdermabrasion facial systems. These home kits allow for more regular consumers to afford this advanced treatment by doing it at home by them!

In 2010, microdermabrasion was named as one of the top 5 new non-surgical skincare procedures according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). This procedure is so effective because it is able to deliver positive results without any harmful side effects.

Microdermabrasion home treatment kits are used to decrease the appearance of superficial hyperpigmentation and sun damage, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and shallow acne scars to smooth skin texture. 

Microdermabrasion facials are being promoted as the new "instant facelift" It really is the best alternative to costlier and more harmful procedures like plastic surgery, chemical peels, and Botox injections. 

With a microdermabrasion facial, you do not have to worry about any of the damaging and harmful side effects associated with these other invasive procedures.

What Is Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment?