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A naming ceremony is a celebration of family and life. It’s a lovely way for parents to celebrate or welcome a child or children into the family, usually inviting relations and friends to share in the occasion. The ceremony is an opportunity for you to announce the names chosen for your child, but it means so much more.

As a parent, you promise your child a commitment to showing that you will be the best parent possible. You can also buy the naming certificates for your baby room online.

Your chosen friend or relative can take part in the ceremony as a "supportive adult" promising a special relationship with the child. There is also an option for grandparents to join if you wish.

This ceremony is arranged by you. As you go through the options and choose how to organize your ceremony, you will create a unique event that will be remembered by you and all your guests.

Kids of all ages can have naming ceremonies – they're not just for babies. Anyone with child custody can arrange a naming ceremony.

We can also arrange a ceremony for someone who has just received a gender recognition certificate and wants to celebrate.

The naming ceremony can be held anywhere as long as your secretary agrees with your choice. They can be at the resident registry office, at your hotel or at your home.

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