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An excellent headshot should be well lit, in focus, and convey the right expression. The headshot should also be appropriate for the desired use, whether it’s for a business card, website, or other marketing materials. A headshot should also be professional looking and tailored to the individual.

Who needs a headshot? Everyone who uses social media, email, or phone calls could benefit from an excellent headshot. Larger companies often have a corporate headshot policy that specifies what type of image is required for various communication techniques.

Individuals may need a headshot to use on their business cards, website, LinkedIn profile, or other marketing materials. If you’re looking for help with your marketing materials, consider hiring a professional photographer at take photographs of you in your clothing and environment (background).

headshot photographer melbourne

Then use those images as needed. The goal is to have just enough quality images so that they can each be used in different situations but not so many that they become unmanageable. For example, if you have twenty photographs of yourself, you won’t be able to use each one in different marketing materials or applications.

Every photographer will address the headshot session differently, but here are some basic tips to follow:

• Hair should be combed and neat. Hair color can vary based on the style of your business persona. If you wear glasses, they should be clean and polished. Make-up should be minimal with everything applied properly to avoid creating an unflattering appearance.

• Clothing is important as well. Choose a classic outfit that is appropriate for your professional environment but also attractive at the same time. Avoid clashing colors and patterns and remember that many clients will view them.

A corporate headshot is an important part of your professional image. It helps potential clients and customers see you as a credible, trustworthy person that they can do business with. A good corporate headshot can make all the difference in whether or not someone does business with you, so it's worth taking the time to get it done right.

What Are The Qualities Of An Excellent Headshot?