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Have you recently had a major flood in your basement because of heavy rain? Is the main water pipe just burst? Your roof has sprung a serious leak? Chances are you have been left with significant water damage.

From unsightly stains major structural weakness, symptoms of water damage can be very terrible. That is why it is important to understand the extent to which home you have been exposed to excess water or flooding, which will allow you to take the necessary steps toward eradicating the damage. You can know more about water damage restoration from Central Oregon Disaster Restoration.

Due to excess moisture and bio-hazard level resulting from serious water damage can create bigger, more dangerous problems related to health and safety, it is important that you are as complete and accurate as possible.

The first thing to consider is the actual event that caused your building's exposed to high levels of water in the first place. Some of the more serious events that are known to cause severe damage include:

  • Natural disasters
  • The pipeline failure
  • Pipe burst
  • Flood
  • Fire entered by water
  • The main roof leaks

If you have experienced any disasters related to water at the top, then you most likely need to receive direct fire or water damage restoration. Neglecting to act quickly can result in the development of harmful mold, lingering odor, and further damage to your building.

Do not leave your home or business fall victim to flood damage and leaking pipes – not, be proactive, and make a mental list of what exactly needs to be done. Water or flood restoration process standard includes the following steps:

  • Extract the remaining water (with a special vacuum)
  • Dries structures (with a high-powered fan)
  • Dehumidify the ambient air
  • Disinfect and clean the salvaged material
  • Remove traces of fungal growth
  • Eliminate odor ambient air

Perhaps the most difficult part of any water damage restoration project is to determine the steps you can complete and which will require professional help. You know your capabilities and limits of the best, so use your discretion when planning flood damage restoration procedures.

Water Damage Restoration: How to Tell If You Need It