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When students or aspiring scientists decide to move beyond basic chemistry packs and purchase bespoke chemicals, there are many factors to be aware of. These points are based on my firsthand experience with purchasing innovative research chemicals online. 

Here are a few things you should be aware of when purchasing chemicals online for laboratory research or in your home:

First, make sure the supplier is well-versed in the subject. Are they knowledgeable in the field? Websites should be easy to reach for assistance and questions. If you are looking for specific chemicals such as 3mmc talc powder (which is also known as “3-MMC talk poeder” in the Ditch language) then you can find them from various online resources.

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You should verify that they are able to provide a product analysis. Every chemical supplier who is serious about their business should be able to provide a product analysis on all chemicals in their catalog. 

You run the risk of buying research chemicals online and getting poor quality chemicals, or worse, the wrong chemical formula. This could lead to disaster.

Find out where the company is located. Shipping costs are higher and the minimum quantities may not be appropriate for your experiments.

Do your research. This applies to any online purchase. You should first check for negative reviews about the company online. You want to be sure that they are trustworthy, so you don’t put yourself at risk.

Things To Research When Buying Chemicals Online
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