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Content marketing is one of the most powerful forms of digital marketing. It’s about creating awesome, valuable content that can be distributed across a variety of platforms and reaching audiences by doing so. If you’re looking at getting into content marketing and want some help coming up with your strategy, then you may consider the best search engine optimization & content marketing service specialists via 805 SEO.

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What are the Three Forms of Content Marketing?

1. Traditional Marketing: This is the most common form of content marketing and involves creating informational pieces that are meant to promote a product or service. 

2. Interactive Marketing: In interactive marketing, marketers use digital tools and platforms to create engaging experiences for their customers. 

3. Viral Marketing: Viral marketing is a type of content marketing that uses techniques such as word-of-mouth advertising and viral video sharing to spread the message across the internet.

What Are The Benefits Of Each Type?

1. Blogging: It can help you build a following of engaged readers who will appreciate your insights and recommendations.

2. Podcasting: You can create episodes that focus on specific topics or industries, or you can simply talk about anything and everything as long as it’s interesting enough for your listeners.

3. Images & Graphics: Not only do images make your content more visually appealing, but they also help attract attention from search engines and social media users. 

4. Video: Videos are becoming increasingly popular as a way to communicate with audiences on a wide range of platforms (including webpages, blog posts, social media posts, email newsletters…etc). 

The 3 Basic Forms Of Content Marketing: What To Consider Before Engaging In Each