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Have you ever wished your doctor could make house calls? Telemedicine is a comparable and convenient option. Thanks to modern technology, this remote care allows you to have support and contact with your doctor when in-person visits aren’t realistic or feasible. 

These visits can take place in the comfort of your own home or even over a hectic workday lunch break. Whether you need a checkup, have questions about ongoing health needs, or notice symptoms that may reflect a condition in need of treatment, telemedicine from can help.

Access to specialists and information

One of the biggest advantages of telemedicine is the access it provides to the information you might not otherwise have. If you aren’t able to see your provider in person, whether because of an illness, injury, or difficulty making the commute, telemedicine puts health care in your own hands. 

During your appointment, you can ask questions that might lead to information or care you didn’t even know you needed, which is safer and less stressful than trying to figure things out on your own.

Comfort and convenience

When you’re not feeling well, driving to a clinic or office can seem daunting or even impossible. In other cases, matters such as childcare or caregiving can make the added time and effort involved with traditional appointments difficult. 

With telemedicine, you can get needed care and support in the comfort of your own home, with no drive or commute time required. You simply need to be in a place where you have internet access. 

Telemedicine: The Benefits Of A Virtual Appointment From Your Home