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All organizations strive for stability to accomplish recognition. To achieve immovability, they need accreditation by authorized bodies that release institutional sanctions based from standardized criteria and procedures.

In order that educational organization will be qualified for recognition, its quality assurance should stipulate the important tenets in its operational plans. You can also get information about quality assurance for call centers online.

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Every institution plans its own quality assurance system with the employment of development plan. The legal bases of Quality assurance vary from one country to another. Despite difference of legal bases, general operational plan of colleges and universities commonly exists that can further branch out for all departments to pattern depending on the organization's structures or sizes.

Quality assurance in an educational institution doesn't surface without the availability of relevant resources and these principles which educational goals are based on are the following tenets: curricular programs, instructions, facilities, academic services for students, faculty researches, publications, management, and community alliance or linkages with local or international private or public organizations.

The operational plan stipulates how these tenets are achieved in a specific period of time. The quality assurance status of a general university will be assessed through its individual departments' accomplishment whose quality assurance's status have been weighed according to quality assurance standards by accreditation institutions.

Quality Assurance’s Operational Plan