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Penetration testing is the process that involves granting access to the application system by the testing agency, which is not allowed to alter the system, but primarily to see whether the system has weaknesses that an outsider can access and exploit the system. 

The security issues discovered through the tests are then presented to the user of the system, for them to take appropriate action to ensure the security of applications within the system.

Penetration testing can be beneficial to information security due to a variety of reasons. One of them is alerting owners of systems of weaknesses that require to be addressed. You can also hire penetration testing companies to protect your business from attacks.

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Testing for penetration has the following tasks:

1. By performing a penetration test The service provider is able to test the feasibility of a specific set of attack vectors that enter the application.

2. The test highlights the growth of vulnerabilities that were initially small, but were later discovered and heightened to high dangers.

3. By undergoing these tests, the manager of the application can be aware of the possible risks for operational and business security concerns.

4. These tests also help network defenses to identify and handle attacks.

Penetration testing is a legitimate and approved process within various security audit standards including Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

Penetration Tests Are Essential Interventions To Maintain Application Security