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Oktoberfest offers another opportunity in the calendar for a themed costume party. Originally a Bavarian custom, Oktoberfest has spread across Europe and the Rest of the World and is now celebrated globally. The origins of the Oktoberfest date back to the marriage of Prince Ludwig I to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12, 1810.

All of the residents of Munich were invited to celebrate the marriage in the surrounding fields. The celebrations lasted five days and ended with a horse race.

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The following year the event was repeated but based around an agricultural event. In these early years, horse racing was a major attraction but the popularity of the event grew and it became ritualized into the calendar. With this increased popularity came the growth in the drinking culture with the original small beer sellers being replaced by larger beer tents towards the turn of the century.

Oktoberfest today has evolved into the German festival to celebrate the changing of the seasons, although the agricultural show has been retained on a three-yearly cycle and it has become a prominent celebration wherever a German community exists.

The globalization of Oktoberfest is in line with the globalization of trade which enables true German produce to be available either in-store or easily via the internet. With the need to drive consumers to these products there has been a reason to export local customs and festivals as well.

Oktoberfest is linked to beer drinking and in major cities, huge beer tents are erected to cope with the influx of revelers – around 6 million in recent years. Although these beer tents serve steins of light beer it is the darker beers that are more traditionally drunk during the closing months of the year.

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