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A large number of users take the help of search engines to find answers to their coding questions, tutorials and other help during the development process. Google is a vast hub of knowledge, where you can find answers to almost anything, given that you enter the right search query.

For example, when you're looking to build a specific feature like payments in your app, you can search Google for "top payment APIs for Android app", or "how to integrate payments to your Android app". You can check out android app development services in Perth at

app developers perth

On the other hand, if you're an expert android developer and looking to refine your skills, here are a few tips that can help.

Optimize Bitmaps

Bitmaps are how images are shown in an Android app. Your goal should be to use a high-definition image that is fast to load and doesn't create a lot of weight on the app. It can be achieved by optimizing your bitmaps.

An untidy bitmap can make your app load slow and performance sluggish, as it may consume significant device memory. Here are a few things you can do to make the bitmap more efficient.

  • Make sure that the local images are small in size.
  • Use vector images as and when possible.
  • Use caching to make network images load faster.
  • Use recycler view to load images in reduced size, as needed.

Building Universal Android Apps

Even if you're building an app only for Android OS, you must know that Android devices come in a variety of configurations and sizes. So, your app needs to be able to adapt to all types of screens.

Know About Android App Development in Perth