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Making fused glass art is a process by which individual pieces of glass are fused to make a new piece of glass The effect that can be achieved through this process is very beautiful.

Fused Glass 101.

The first step to making a built-in glass is to choose the right type of glass. All glass shrinks and expands when heated. When making a piece of liquid glass, the type of glass used must have the same expansion coefficient, which means that they are all developed and contracted at the same level. The glass artist fused to use various pieces and glass stems, cut with a glass cutting tool, and make pieces for the final design.

Next, the artist will assemble CBS Dichroic Patterned Glass pieces into an interesting design. This is where creativity really enters. Some artists choose to keep their designs simple, only use two layers of glass and simple geometric shapes. Another artist becomes very complicated in their design, using many colors and a different layer of glaze.

After the piece is assembled, heated in the oven. This step itself requires many skills and creativity. The temperature used, as well as the amount of time spent in the oven, will affect the final part. Burning kilns can take hours, depending on the desired effect. Some artists use hand torches to combine their glass pieces, which they feel gives them more control over the results.

The last part of this process is called annealing. Annealing involves slowly restore burning-glass to room temperature. This is a long and slow process that cannot be accelerated because the glass that is not exaggerated correctly is unstable and can crack or explode unexpectedly.

Liquid glass art has become very popular in recent years, because of the beauty and depth of color that can be achieved by crafts. This is certainly not a craft that can be studied overnight, but with patience and perseverance, it can be a very satisfying artistic business.


Introduction to Making Fused Art Glass
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