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A black truffle, also known as a French truffle, is a delicacy with a very unique taste. In fact, it has a unique smell that is quite distinctive. It is also known as the worlds' second sweetest flower. Black truffle is actually the fruiting body of an underground ascomycetes fungus, primarily one of the Malayan species of the family Ascomycus. Other fungi in this family include Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces, and more than a hundred others

Most black truffles are harvested from the roots, but there are some that are cultivated and marketed fresh. While cultivating the fungi on land can be difficult and expensive, drying them and then preserving them using a salty solution can preserve them for up to three years. Some people like to eat the dried root while others enjoy the flavor, however.

The salt has a very distinct, earthy aroma that is not at all similar to the smell of baking bread. But they have a lovely earthy flavor that cannot be explained by chemical additives. Because of this, black truffle sea salt is often used in place of traditional summer season salts, such as rock salt or table salt.

In the winter months, the fungi begin to die back. It is not until spring when they have planted again that they produce their delicious flavor. During this time, it is also during this time that most people buy black truffles. There are many different varieties, but the most popular are those with an assertive nutty flavor, like the raspberry.

The flavor is highly reminiscent of blackberry. Many people prefer the less bitter taste of raspberry over the stronger flavor of black truffle salt. As the seasons change, the salts begin to change color. They first turn from a bright green to a more yellow-tinted salt. After some time they will darken, even more, reaching almost black. This is one way they keep their pricey salt fresh and delicious for a long time.

Another use of black truffle salt is in the winter when you need to add a bit of healthy color to your baked French fries. In order to make this colorless salt work properly, you must heat the oil before you begin to sprinkle it onto the fries. Many people find this method cumbersome, but it works very well. Once you have heated the oil, the color is locked in, so you do not have to do it over.

You can also use the black truffle salt to sprinkle sugar on fruits that you would like to be colored like blueberries or strawberries. This is a fun way to incorporate truffle flavor into things that you would not traditionally use. Some people like to add chocolate to their fruit toppings as well, which makes for a delicious dessert that people will enjoy.

The key to making this type of salt work is using it sparingly. Too much salt, as well as any other seasoning, will take away from the flavor of your food. If you want to sprinkle it onto a lot of different items, you might want to purchase a variety. There are specialty shakers that will allow you to sprinkle it onto many different food items. This is something you can do quite often if you enjoy cooking and you have several favorite dishes. In fact, you might enjoy making truffle salt a regular part of your meals.

When shopping for black truffles, you need to look at the ingredients first. There is a huge difference between regular table sea salt and this type of seasoning. Generally speaking, sea salt will be used for cooking purposes and you will want to steer clear of this option if you are looking to incorporate this flavor into your recipes. Instead, look for coarse sea salt. Most chefs will view full product details on the back of the container to determine what kind of salt will work best.

For cooking, you can also choose to use a blend of different items to create a unique and flavorful blend. For instance, you could mix in pepper flakes, white pepper, cinnamon, and even nutmeg when using this type of mixture to sprinkle on a whole lot of foods. If you are looking to make savory truffle oil, you can combine olive oil, butter, and salt for a very rich, sweet taste.

It's really easy to incorporate this flavorful salt into any recipe that you're cooking. Since it has a somewhat salty flavor, the key is to mix it in small portions. The larger pieces of the truffle will have a tendency to melt in your mouth, while the smaller pieces retain their crunch and flavor.

How to Make Black Truffle Salt Uniquely Flavored?