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When in the market for a kitchen cutting board, there are a number of things to consider. What material is best – wood, plastic, or glass? If a wood board, do I need an end grain or flat grain board? This article explores these questions in an attempt to help you choose the right board for you.

What Material Should you Choose?

In general, there are three options – wood, plastic, and glass. To answer this question, you need to determine how you will use the board. Will you cook raw meat or mostly vegetables or both? You can easily get the quality craftsmanship for kitchen and dining products online.

How often do you use it – daily, weekly or monthly? Some boards are better than others for certain purposes. Below is a list of the different types of boards and their characteristics.

Finished wooden board

This is a top-line in wooden cutting boards. The last grain means the individual wooden planks are arranged in such a way that the tree grains run vertically (up and down).

Therefore, one end of each plank is laid so that the cut surface is actually the end of many pieces of hardwood.

When the knife hits the surface of a cross-cut wood plank, the wood grain is completely separated. Then closes when the blade is removed. Therefore, you are not cutting the wood itself, but between the fibers, which is better for a sharp knife edge.

Flat grain cutting board

This type of cutting board is made of wooden planks arranged horizontally so that the edges form a cutting surface. These boards are usually reversible so you can extend the life of the boards by using both sides. However, unlike endplates, blades cut through wood, which can create intimidation.

How To Choose The Right Cutting Board For You?