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Sustainability means reacting positively to difficult and stressful situations. However, with increasing demands, people felt pressured. Some are more resilient and "bounce" off negative emotional experiences.

They use their thinking to handle mistakes and disappointments more effectively. Understanding the main aspects of sustainability helps explain how positive attributes can be developed. New insights on stress management contribute to sustainability training and increase resilience in the workplace.

How Sustainability Training Helps Build Resilience In The Workplace

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In the past, discussion of resilience has usually focused on aspects of an individual's personality. However, this is only part of the picture.

While internal resources are important, we also need to consider the context and demands that people face in their work. All are vulnerable to work pressure and it is important to minimize this risk.

Management standards

Health and Safety Officers have set clear standards of governance that focus on five major issues affecting people's well-being. The five areas identified by HSE relate to job requirements, individual control, positive relationships, clarity of roles, and advice on change.

Sustainability training

Individual attributes associated with resilience include cunning and confidence in failure. Positive thinking is characterized by a willingness to learn and grow from negative and positive experiences. It helps when people have clear goals and think the activity is important.

Sustainability training helps people to put things into context and develop important personal qualities. You will be better able to cope with work pressure. Part of the process is raising awareness and reflection.

How Sustainability Training Helps Build Resilience In The Workplace