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SMM has seen a rise in popularity over the past few years. It is a hot topic on the web. Social media has a higher lead-to-close rate than traditional outbound marketing. Nearly 84% of B2B marketers today use social media in one way or another. Social media is a great way to grow your brand, regardless of what you sell or who your target audience is. You can also read this article regarding social media marketing.

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It's almost like living in the past if you don't have a social media presence. Some people may wonder what social media marketing can do for them. Am I going to need it? Yes. Just check out these reasons:

Increased web traffic

In Houston, targeted traffic can be generated by social media posts. A landing page, a new page, and well-placed social media posts can all make a difference. One link from Reddit, or links submitted via StumbleUpon, can turn a page's traffic into hundreds. It's hard to imagine anyone not wanting to take advantage of that.

SEO Boost

Your site's SEO can be boosted by social media. Search engine crawlers can identify which pages are earning consistent traffic and which pages are being ignored or forgotten. Increasing traffic to optimized pages via social media will help them climb higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Building brand loyalty

In Houston, a strong social media presence can help build brand loyalty. Research has shown that loyal customers are more likely to follow brands with active social media accounts. Social media can help you to become more than a business. It will allow you to be more like the people you are, a united group of people with a common vision.

How social media marketing is important for your business in Houston?
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