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According to experts, introducing arts-based education in schools can play an important role in raising teaching and learning standards. There are many successful school programs and many other schools that use art learning are proof of that. 

Various programs have been deployed to help large numbers of teachers and students become more engaged and successful teachers students. Arts-based education is outstanding in many ways. If you want to know more about art-based education, you can visit

Underlying the training, first, is the assumption that the subject, often devalued in the pedagogical arts, can be at the heart of the entire school reform program. There are many schools that testify that the arts and the use of art as education can revitalize and rejuvenate an entire school. 

Second, the introduction of the arts into primary education has proven to be an effective value-added school reform. This allows schools to achieve what is required of them in terms of accountability and student achievement. It also offers students and teachers a meaningful and engaging approach to education.

Arts-based education simply turns classrooms and schools into more desirable places to live. Third, arts-based programs have proven to be a sustainable reform approach for both individual schools and large-scale reform initiatives. 

Art-based education is different from the initiation of traditional arts-based education approaches. According to modern methods, the current curriculum places the arts at the center of education. In this way, art learning becomes the focus of learning in schools. For this reason, arts education is seen as an extended arts curriculum and as a modern and integrated approach to learning.

Guide on Benefits of an Arts-Based Education