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Fertigation is a fertilization method in which dissolved fertilizers are released to the plants through an irrigation system.

This technology provides the ability to apply appropriate water and fertilizer standards to crops and therefore, if designed properly, can become an important technology for precision agriculture. You can get the most advanced greenhouse fertigation system & technology in Leamington, ON.

Fertigation Technology: Benefits And Specifics Of Application

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Concentrated fertilizer solutions are usually produced in tanks and then injected into irrigation water by a fertilizer injector. Irrigation systems can be drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, pivots, or various hydroponic system configurations.

1. Right Amount – Fertigation allows precise and targeted application of water and fertilizer to the root system.

In contrast to the widespread use of fertilizers, drip irrigation allows the right amount of water and fertilizer to be applied near the root zone of each plant.

2. Correct schedule – nutrition can be given when the culture requires it.

Without a fertigation system, it is difficult or even impossible to apply fertilizer to larger crops and limited access to the field. In such cases, fertilization is often done too early, resulting in loss of nutrients through leaching, runoff, evaporation, and more.

3. The right amount of fertilizer

Advanced fertigation systems can achieve high application accuracy through the use of high-tech equipment such as injectors and carefully calibrated and customized computerized control systems.

Automatic adjustment of the ratio of injection of fertilizer solution from the tank to irrigation water based on input data from the EC and pH sensors as well as water and fertilizer flow meters.

4. Better nutrient availability and absorption efficiency

Since fertilizers are soluble in irrigation water, nutrients can be absorbed by plants as soon as they are applied. 

Fertigation as a Precision Agriculture Technology
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