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No one plans to get into legal trouble, but it happens to everyone. Whether you’re caught with drugs or driving under the influence, you could find yourself in serious trouble. In this blog post, we’ll outline some tips for avoiding legal problems and getting through them as quickly and painlessly as possible. 

If you are thinking of hiring a lawyer to help with your drug crime case, you may browse The Law Offices Of Decker & Jones.

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There are a variety of criminal charges that can be brought against someone and each one carries its own set of potential penalties. This article will outline the most common types of criminal charges, and provide tips on how to avoid legal problems.

Felony Charges:

Felony charges are the most serious type of criminal charge and can carry severe penalties including prison time. Felonies are typically categorized based on the severity of the crime involved. Some examples of felonies include  robbery, and homicide.

Misdemeanor Charges:

Misdemeanors are less serious than felonies and generally involve less severe crimes. Misdemeanors typically carry a fine rather than jail time, but they can still lead to significant consequences such as loss of privileges or suspension from school. Some examples of misdemeanors include driving under the influence (DUI), disorderly conduct, and vandalism.

Plea Bargaining:

Most people charged with a criminal offense will eventually face a court trial. However, many defendants choose to negotiate a plea bargain instead. A plea bargain is an agreement between the prosecutor (the person who brings the charges against you) and your defense attorney (the person who represents you in court). 

Drug Crime Lawyer: Tips For Avoiding Legal Problems
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