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Connected Fitness has become an increasingly important aspect of living in today's society. However, with it being so popular among consumers comes the drawback of it creating a lot of cyber-bullying. As a solution to this problem, IoT devices are becoming ubiquitous on health and fitness wearables and scales to allow intervention directly from loved ones.

In all those connected devices is a cellular, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection that can be used or seen at the touch of a button. A ton like this just goes to show how technology is definitely affecting our lives for better and for worse. The connected fitness era is here. You can also buy digitally-connected Pilates reformers and fitness device online.

Image Source: Google

With regular updates to wearable technology and an ever-growing number of apps and devices that can keep people fit, it's no surprise that more and more people are getting in shape through personalized workouts and tracking their progress online.

And while this type of fitness can be great for people who want to see concrete results, it can also be a hassle for those who don't have access to a living room full of fitness equipment. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get fit without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Pilates is a great way to get toned without having to spend hours on a cardio machine. There are a plethora of fitness trackers on the market today and each one promises to provide you with a unique set of features. However, the benefits of using an app to track your fitness goals go beyond simply being able to see your progress.

Connected Fitness: The Emergence of Connectivity