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Mulch is good for plants and saves a lot of work. Reduces evaporation, slows weed growth, improves soil quality, and makes your garden look more attractive. In addition, it is cheap and easy to implement.

Common Types of Mulch:

Sawdust and bark are the most common types of mulch, but you can even use stones for a good effect. Landscaping organic mulch is a great way to save time in the garden, whether you are tending a flower bed or a vegetable garden.

In most cases, backyard mulch greatly simplifies your gardening. Mulch includes a variety of materials that you use to cover bare soil in your garden. 

The addition of a layer of mulch is paid for by:

  • Reducing water loss from the soil. It slows evaporation and improves water absorption when it rains or you turn on the sprinkler.
  • Slowing weed growth.
  • Improving soil quality. Organic types enrich the soil as they decompose.
  • Protecting plant roots from hot and cold temperature extremes and sudden fluctuations.
  • Add color and texture as part of your overall garden design.

Whether you are an avid gardener or a casual gardener, you will need less watering, weeding, fertilizing, and general care.

Use organic mulch whenever possible as it will damage and improve the soil as it decomposes. Use outdated organic mulch (partially decomposed wood products) to improve soil and promote the growth of all plants. It will continue to rot and add nutrients to the soil. 

Use fresh organic mulch (sawdust and bark) if you want to control weeds and improve appearance but don't need to improve the soil like soil near trees and bushes.

Use rock mulch to stabilize garden areas that are prone to leachings, such as mounds and gutters. Or use it to beautify the appearance of your garden.

Common Types of Mulch in New South Wales