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Cloud services have become widespread in most personal and organizational activities which involve the use of internet technology.

In essence, the term "cloud" is a metaphor for the Internet itself, as a core requirement within any network of communication between different parties. Resources and data can be accessed through remote servers with corresponding economies of scale.

Cloud services provide the benefit of elasticity, cost control, on-demand availability, resource sharing, and wide network access. A number of cloud hosting organizations exist within the cloud configuration.

Image source: Google

Many organizations are perfectly happy to take advantage of the flexibility that cloud services provide and find that they are far more able to make plans for expansion and concentrate on the introduction of new products or services without internal resource application, roll out and associated maintenance worries. Rather, cloud services can provide them with "utility computing," with access on a per consumption basis or sometimes on a subscription allocation.

There would be multiple business customers that could be sharing the computing services provided by the cloud servers, which justifies the practicality of these resources. This means that funds can be spent on the development of enhanced server capability without the worry that such capability could be subject to long periods of idle use, compromising the investment in the first place.

As the economy is just picking up from the economic recession, cloud service utilization that will be provided on an on-demand business model will make a lot of sense to corporate management. Outsourcing of services and solutions will help an organization to streamline, as it focuses on its principal delivery model.

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