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Today, many people are web designers. Some people do it as a hobby while others work full time. The best web designers are full-time. Part-time web design can be just as difficult as full-time.

You can also find web designers who don't have any formal training. Your web designer should have formal training from an accredited school. You can find the leading web design company in Aurora via

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Relevant Experience

You should ensure that the web design company you hire for your project has relevant experience. A web designer with eCommerce experience is best if they are able to design an eCommerce website. 

A proposal should be submitted by your web design company along with a contract. The contract should clearly outline what the web designer will do, how long it will take, what price you will pay, and what you will supply. 

There are many types of websites

There are many types of websites: static HTML (brochure style), e-commerce with a shopping cart, database, Flash, and one that has your own content management system. When you're looking for a web designer, all of these should be considered. 

If you're looking for an interactive Flash website, you should ensure that they have created many Flash websites. There are two types of web design companies: those that can make Flash headers for standard HTML sites and those that can create flash websites.

Choosing A Web Design Company In Aurora