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If you're starting an eCommerce business (or already have a physical business that you're looking to expand online), choosing the right eCommerce platform can quickly become painfully confusing.

With such a wide range of platforms and pricing options, how can you be sure the eCommerce software you choose is right for your small business? For more such information you can browse online to

To save you a headache, we've narrowed it down to one of the  favorite option below:


Shopify is the "grandfather" of easy-to-use eCommerce platforms, offering a comprehensive list of features that allow you to manage and grow your business, all in one place.

Some of the best features include:

  • Customizable online storefront
  • Easy payment processing
  • integrated hosting
  • inventory management
  • Comprehensive reporting and analysis
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

With monthly plans ranging from $29 – $299, the platform is reasonably priced, albeit a bit more expensive.

The downsides of the platform lie mainly in the payment processing fees, and an additional transaction fee applies if you choose to use a payment processor other than Shopify's proprietary payment system.

Also, many of the extensions available on the app store come with a price tag, which can start to add up over time.

Overall, the Shopify platform has been designed with novice users in mind, allowing just about anyone with basic technical knowledge to run their own eCommerce site with ease.

Best Ecommerce Website Platforms For Small Business