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You may have to throw out a lot of plastic knives, forks, and Styrofoam products if you own a fast-food restaurant or take-out business. Biodegradable products can be affordable and are beneficial for the environment. Many green restaurant supplies are cheaper than traditional ones. Let’s learn more!


If you serve food, you serve drinks. Plastic straws are easily thrown away after only one use, and they do not break down. You can rent cardboard straws that are biodegraded as they are made from sustainable and natural resources. They are 100% biodegradable according to BPI standards and are made from high-performance biopolymers that contain no petrochemicals. 

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Although plastic forks rarely see the recycling bins, they do see a lot of landfills. Biodegradable options offer the best solution. They are more than five years old and can be composted in commercial composting facilities. 


These plates are very tough. These biodegradable plates are tougher than industry standards in heat stability and grease resistance, as well as microwave safety. They can be used for any food you need. 

These are just a few examples of green restaurant supplies on the market. To make a positive impact in your local community, get in touch with your local provider of biodegradable products.

Support the Environment with Green Restaurant Supplies
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