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1. Reconsider Your Guest List

This is probably the most obvious place to look – and for good reason, as it could save you thousands. Your guest list is going to be one of the biggest influences when it comes to the cost of your wedding. 

Think about it: each individual guest also means an extra mouth to cater for, an extra plate, set of cutlery, glassware, napkin, invitation, guest favor… and the list goes on.

If you’re really struggling to keep the costs down for your wedding, it could be worth revising your guest list and creating a more intimate wedding as opposed to a full-blown celebration.

Take another look over your guest list with a fine-toothed comb. However, to avoid this kind of problem at your wedding, it would be the best idea to hire wedding planners for finding the best wedding venues in Caerphilly.

If you know that you’ve been overly generous with plus-ones, or have included certain guests purely out of obligation, this might be something to reconsider.

2. Host a Weekday or Off-Peak Wedding

When it comes to choosing your wedding date, why not consider a weekday wedding?

The wedding industry is seasonal, and this is reflected in the costs you can expect to pay for your wedding suppliers. Saturday weddings during peak season are the most popular dates, so the pricing of wedding vendors is reflected accordingly.

It might seem unconventional, but weekday or off-peak weddings can save you hundreds with many vendors offering reduced rates in order to fill up their schedules.

3. Hire a Wedding Planner

It might seem confusing to hear that you can actually save money by spending more money, but hear us out!

Investing in a wedding planner allows you to benefit from their many years of experience and expertise in the industry. You have to remember that wedding planners work with budgets for a living – it’s what they do best!

3 Great Ways To Save Money On Your Wedding In Caerphilly